Redness Be Gone! NYX Color Correcting Powder Review

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Redness Be Gone! NYX Color Correcting Powder Review

Yes, that is a green face powder. And really, it doesn't look crazy on me!

It's magical. Magical green face powder, probably made by unicorns.

It's actually a redness correction powder (learn more about how to color correct redness with makeup), and I've been using it for the last few weeks to help troubleshoot red spots that are still visible after the rest of my makeup is done.

My rosacea is mostly under control, and my redness is much improved. Except for those days after the baby decides to wake up frequently and need mama. Neeeeeed me. So, I don't get much sleep. On those days I use a little extra redness corrector under my concealer, foundation or BB Cream. And it looks great. Except there's almost always a tiny extra area of redness that shows through everything. And I do not want to pile on a thick redness corrector over everything else. It cakes and looks horrible.

Enter the NYX Color Correcting Powder. This loose powder is light green and very finely milled. It doesn't offer any coverage, and it can act as a setting powder, though I've been using it over my regular powder. I just grab a regular powder brush and dab a little of the green powder over any residual redness. Like magic it disappears!

You can buy the powder at NYX, ULTA or Amazon.

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  1. I have have 3 months old baby boy at home too & I am a telecommuting working home who often travels around the country for work!! I need this! Thank you unicorns!

  2. Ooh this looks interesting. Well, I definitely must try this!

  3. Hey Christine: I've heard great feedback on this green powder, but have yet to use it myself. Thanks for the great info! What skin line are you using to treat your redness/rosacea?

  4. I use a topical prescription at night which is the most helpful thing, otherwise I'm using the R+F Soothe line. Really, most days I don't have any redness at all. It's just those days that I've been up a lot with the baby that I have a bit. And other people probably don't even notice it, it's just me!


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