Combating Winter: Switch it up!

Today I got some great advice on getting through a long winter from Moxie of Moxie Reviews.

I live in the Boston, MA area, and therefore, every year I do have to deal with mid-winter “blues.” My tips are not for those who are truly depressed, and just can’t shake it off. I’m not making light of those people who should seek professional help. There are many not-for-profit agencies that the States offer, and you should please find out what resources they have for a medical condition of true depression.

January is tough because we’re on daylight savings time, so sometimes it seems like there is very little time in the day to see the sun shine! What cheers me up? Here’s a list of things that I do to beat the gloominess of the season.

Get outside and get some fresh air. Besides the fact that I have to wear a big winter coat/hat/mittens, I still remember to put on my sunscreen! Walking with my children and/or my dogs helps cheer me up.

!t’s winter, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to fake a tan. I like to use a faux tanner so I don’t look incredibly pasty and blend in with any snow that might be on the ground!

Switch body wash! Try a different wash with more zip in the fragrance.

Try a new shampoo and conditioner!

Moisturize right after your shower with a different scent. I use a heavier moisturizer in the winter months, so it’s a perfect time to change/try a new one.

A new lipstick color, or a new lip gloss to brighten up your face.

New blush color! I love to purchase a new one to add a bit of color to my face.

Try a new nail polish color!

Moxie Reviews™ is a cruelty free beauty blog, concentrating on organic and natural beauty products. This is one of my favorite sites for info on cruelty free beauty!

Moxie Reviews


  1. I suffer from winter blues too. I think I have SAD Seasonly Affective Disorder. In the UK you can buy lights that immitate natural daylight, might be worth looking in to.

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    Louise x

  2. Excellent tips to fight the winter blues!

  3. Great ideas...I just got a new shower wash that smells like Thai Ice Tea at and I have to say it makes me feel happy when I smell it. Oh...I also like to keep a candle close by in winter.

  4. Hello. Great Review. I live in California, and this winter I visited the East Coast for the first time... Although i will forever be a cali girl, I must say I really appreciated the East during the cold season. i was able to wear hoodies and cute hats all day long! For once, I did not have to worry about what shirt to wear, or if i should wear my shape wear.

    One thing that I'm confused about is foundation. I noticed that people have a winter foundation and a summer foundation. whats that about? i have ONE color year round. am i supposed to tone darker, or one tone lighter?

  5. I think it depends on the person. There are a lot of people that have quite a bit of fluctuation in their skin tone throughout the year, likely related to sun exposure. Personally, I only have 1 shade pretty much year round. But, I'm a religious sunscreen user and my skin tone doesn't get tan in the sun. You're likely similar to me.

  6. Thanks for the tips! I will certainly keep these in mind going forward!

  7. "Get outside and get some fresh air." Thank you for that. It is just what i needed. Otherwise i am siting at the computer all day long.

  8. Don't forget that Vitamin D helps, also! I take it in pill form.
    Also have found that aromatherapy makes me feel better! LOVE the smells of lemons and oranges in the winter!!

  9. Helpful tips! I feel these tips can really help give you a new look and help you to feel confident in the winter months. Definitely change up your routine once in awhile to keep your look from getting boring or dull. Thanks!

  10. awesome tips thanks so much


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