Too Faced's Melted Lipsticks: Is Super Pigmented For You?

Product Sent for Review

Too Faced Melted Lipstick Review and swatch

I'm a huge Too Faced fan. In my mind, they pretty much can do no wrong. Ever. If they make it, it will be amazing. Which is why it has taken me so long to write about their new Melted Lipsticks. I have had them for a while, and all of my blogging friends have been raving about them, but they weren't working for me.

I have finally come to the conclusion that it's just me, I'm not a fan of super pigmented lipsticks on my lips. I think they look a bit funny on me. On other people, they look amazing! I just need to work on getting used to them on myself.

I've "forced" friends to try these lippies too (ok, let's face it, there wasn't much forcing. Also, there were q-tips and sanitizing involved, so don't worry about cooties) and I thought they looked amazing in them and they loved them. I've convinced a few friends to go buy the shades (Melted Coral seems to be the favorite). I just think they look funny on my lips.

Too Faced Melted Lipstick Review and swatch

There are 8 shades of Melted Lipstick: Melted Nude, Melted Peony, Melted Coral, Melted Fuchsia, Melted Ruby and Melted Violet. The packaging is kind of perfect, you can squeeze the tube to get the liquid lipstick to come out of a felt tip top. I feel like this gives me a lot of control over how much product comes out. Definitely better than twisting or clicking!

Too Faced Melted Lipstick Review and swatch

You can see that the shades are all very, very pigmented. They are between a similar thickness to other liquid lipsticks, I don't really notice any flavor and they aren't sticky at all. They're super easy to apply, I just use the applicator directly. One of my favorite things about these lipsticks is that they can act like a stain as well, so I'll apply, leave it be for a few minutes, then wipe it off. I follow up with a light gloss, so I get the color and a bit of the translucency that I like. My favorite so far has been Melted Peony, but I'm looking for a good excuse to wear Melted Ruby. I might not need an excuse now that I think about it!

Are you like me, do you need a little translucency in your lippie? Or are you a super pigmented girl?

Too Faced
Product Sent for Review


  1. looks pretty nice. Do they last long?

  2. As a stain they last about 6 hours or so, I haven't worn them long enough to really know as a lipstick.

  3. I have just discovered your blog and like it! This is a great post. I have never heard of those melted lippies but will give them a got. I love very pigmented lipsticks. Xo, Alexandra
    Glam O’Clock | Beauty Fashion Wellness Lifestyle

  4. It's not just you Christine. I tried these too and hate them. I'm not opposed to opaque coverage, but there's something about these that just look so "off". And I can't articulate it any better than that. They're getting a lot of love out in the blogosphere, but I have to honestly say in every lip swatch I've viewed they look terrible. Even on young lips, the ones I've seen look dry and almost cracked; accentuating every lip line.

  5. Deb, I think that's part of the reason I don't like them on my lips. They look a little dry and make my lips look smaller. But, I can use them as a stain and I like them then.


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