Quick and Easy Top Knot For Summer

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Easy Top Knot DIY

Now that summer is really and truly here, I've been looking for alternatives to my typical pony tail to keep cool. And that usually means a bun or top knot of some sort. I've been wearing this quick 3 step top knot updo quite a bit. Especially since my husband confessed how much he likes my hair up like this!

Easy Top Knot DIY
Easy Top Knot DIY

To create this look, I need to add some texture to my hair! I start by using Suave Professionals Sea Mineral Infusion Shampoo and Conditioner. They keep my hair hydrated, which is great for preventing frizz, but add some much needed body and volume.

I also use the Suave Professionals Sea Mineral Infusion Texturizing Sea Salt Spray on my hair. I first spray the Texturizing Sea Salt Spray throughout my hair when it is wet, and then I roughly blow it dry with my head upside down. Once my hair is dry, I spray it on a few more times, rubbing it in just with my hands. It doesn't make my hair sticky or dirty feeling. Instead, it just makes it a bit less silky, now it can be held in place. This added texture makes a big difference in how easy it is to style my fine hair.

Easy Top Knot DIY

Once my hair has a little bit of texture, it's time to pull up my hair! I always had a hard time getting buns and pony tails to look cute, until I discovered the trick of pulling back the top of my hair first. I use a small butterfly clip because it is easy to remove later if I want, without disrupting the rest of the style too much. Here I've pulled back a small amount of hair at the top of my crown first, and then I'm pulling my hair up into a pony tail just behind the clip. Note that in this style I left the clip in place since you can't see it in my bun, but I remove the clip when I am just leaving my hair in a ponytail.

Easy Top Knot DIY

When pulling the hair up into the pony tail, you can see that I don't pull that last loop through the pony tail holder fully. Instead, I leave it as a loop. I've wrapped the end of my hair around the pony tail holder and tucked it in, but you could also just leave it loose.

Once my loop is in place, I flop the loop down on the top of my head and loosely pin it to my head. I limit myself to 5 bobby pins, simply because I hate feeling pins in my hair! It's fine to have a few stragglers, and the hair loops can be a bit loose. You can see that the loops actually look quite a bit fancier than they really are when the pop up a bit. Don't overthink it, just use your 5 pins to secure the hair down onto your head.

Easy Top Knot DIY

I've been wearing this look at home, out running errands and even to work! On the day I took these pictures, I went to my 4 year old's swimming lessons, and the style definitely kept me cool in the hot and humid indoor pool.

What's your go-to summer style?

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Suave Professionals® . The opinions and text are all mine.

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