Sally Hansen Waxing Strips

I'm not a very hairy person. Honestly. But, I have to say that any stray hair drives me completely batty! I am not someone who would be a good candidate for waxing at a salon, I could never wait long enough for the hair to be the appropriate length, I would get yelled at by my waxer!

So, having said all that (so now you all aren't picturing me super hairy), I want to talk about these Sally Hansen Waxing Strips. I LOVE these things! I have used them for years, and even though I've tried tons of other home waxing products, these are by far and away my favorite. A lot of the microwave or roll-on waxing products are tough to get the wax exactly where you want it, I was prone to burning myself with microwave versions, and there's just too much prep work involved. I don't have time for that. Once my hair is dry in the morning, I have about 15 minutes to style my hair, put on makeup and get dressed before rushing out the door.

The best part of these waxing strips is how quick and easy they are to use. There are several sizes in the box. Simply select the best size, pull the strips apart (they separate into 2 strips of the same size), press against clean skin and pull off quickly in the opposite direction of hair growth. While there are sometimes a few small hairs left behind, they are super easy to clean up with tweezers and a mirror (the wax makes them much easier to grab). Included in the kit is a small bottle of oil, simply wipe down the area with the oil and a cotton swab to remove the wax, wash your face and you're ready to face the world!
Sally Hansen Waxing Strips


  1. i keep getting hits off of your site for some reason. thank you whatever it is. if you love sally hansen, you'll love my post about her other product

  2. William,
    I think you keep getting hits from me because I freakin' love your blog! :D That post about the bleach is pretty funny, but not necessarily in a good way.


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