L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes: As Good As It Sounds?

L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes, review, mascara
When this mascara was released last year, it received a lot of attention. I wanted to try it, though I fully admit that I was a bit down on my lashes around that time, so spent less time and money on mascara (I've since fixed the problem). With the release of the Carbon Black color (I always pick the darkest black possible, Carbon Black is even darker than the "blackest black" in other mascaras), I had no more excuses. I had to try it out!

First, I have to fully admit that it was hard to review this mascara. I keep taking pics over and over. I couldn't tell my morning pics apart from my night pics. Seriously. Finally, I had a hair stuck in my lashes (yes! See below) and it helped things out. I could finally tell for sure that I had morning and night pics. I could post my review!

L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes, review, mascara

First, this mascara is pretty easy to use. The brush is plastic, with nicely spaced bristles. There is a "built in Clean Sweep system" to help keep the right amount of product on the wand and avoid clumps. It works perfectly, I never had to grab a kleenex to clean off a gloppy mess. The brush grabs every lash and does a good job of keeping lashes separated for the first layer. However, add extra mascara beyond 2 light coats at your own risk: it is easy for this mascara to enter the Tami Faye Baker realm of clumpiness. So, use only 2 light coats at the most, the pics above are 2 light coats (I don't use a lash brush to separate things for these pics. I do on my "off" camera days, but since most women skip that step so do I for my posts.) So, you can see that things do get a little bit clumpy, but not too bad.

I thought the mascara definitely added length and volume, but most impressive was how it maintained both in addition to holding the curl all day long. No smudging or flaking. It removed easily. I think I've found a new "go-to" mascara.

L'Oreal Voluminous Million Lashes


  1. It looks so good! I don't often buy mascaras, I tend to only have one or two on the go but I might have to pick this one up! x

  2. I really like mine too. I didn't hold out much hope for it but think it's a brilliant mascara.

  3. I've tried this before, and I found I had to really 'work at it' to make my lashes look good. My lashes eventually looked pretty good but then I found it stayed pretty tacky and after screwing my eyes up to take a photo, they were all clumped together! :(

  4. For me it was better than Lash Blast. I didn't think I'd find one that was, but yes!

  5. Hmmm. I'm running out of Lashblast right now, and needed to pick up another tube. maybe it's time to try something new! Saying it's better than Lashblast is a huge endorsement. I'll probably try it out. Thanks for the review!

  6. Not quite holy grail worthy though?

  7. Yeah, not quite. I'm not sure what stopped me, but I wasn't quite there. :D

  8. FYI, I purchased this after this rave review and only finally got to using it. I'm finding it to be to clumpy, even at the 2nd coat. Too bad because it seems to be able to build length without flaking. Based on your review of Maybelline Illegal Lengths, I'm hoping that will work out better. Thanks for the continued search.


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