Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Face Cream Hair Remover Review

Nair Brazilian Spa Clay Face Cream Hair Remover Review
In the past I may have had less than fun experiences with this brand. Why? I don't really have sensitive skin, but I've had issues with painful tingling, redness, irritation and even welts after using regular formulations. And yet... the hair was still there. So, I was a bit nervous about applying this product.

But, I shouldn't have been so nervous! This is a light peach-ivory cream that comes out of a tube that to me looks very much like a lip balm tube. It even has the angled tip! You just need to spread it a little in a light layer, no need to rub it into the skin.

Now, this is the part that is usually horrible for me. This is when my skin starts tingling, and then it tingles more, and then it starts to hurt, and then I can barely stand it any more and wipe everything off right at the minimum time. And, oh look! I reveal red and irritated skin (sometimes with welts) and there is... still... hair there. Arg.

But, that's all in the past. This stuff tingled very mildly, and really it was just enough that I knew something was on but not any more than that. It didn't escalate and it didn't hurt. I tested an area at the 5 minute mark (the box recommended 5 to 10 minutes) and guess what? Everything came off. Revealing clear, non-irritated skin that didn't have hair on it.

Oh, and yes, this still smells like a hair depilatory product. (I think it's just the active ingredient and can really only be somewhat hidden, despite the best efforts of many companies.) The smell isn't overwhelming, it really didn't seem too bad to me. I could only smell it while the product was on and didn't linger on my skin.



  1. Is it ok to use a product like this if you are using SA or glycolic products as well?

  2. Christine, thanks so much for this review. I too suffer from the same problems with hair removal creams and also still have hair left after the torture session is over. I'm going to rush out and get this to try based on your review but I have one question: did you use this all over your face or just specific areas?

  3. Yay it sounds like it works nicely, aside from the smell.

  4. Anon- I think it's fine to try it out, but I'd really recommend doing a test patch in an area that is exposed to the SA or glycolic as well. It will just depend on the person and how sensitive their skin is.

    Deb- I tried this out on my chin, I didn't need to use it all over.

  5. Thanks Christine. I've never done my whole face before but have been thinking about it to see what makeup looks like without the little downy hairs on cheeks, etc.

  6. I wonder how it does around acne? My chin and under my neck sometimes needs a cleaning up but I'm scared to use anything other than wax there.

  7. This product must work differently for everyone because all the reviews I've read are either promoting the product or telling you it will burn your face horribly. My personal experience was not close to pleasant it ended up burning my upper lip with blistering marks for a week (very embarrassing) because I think maybe I left it on too long (9 minutes!) I would not recommend over five minutes but for me that would not take off any hair! Leaves tingling burning skin and chemical smell :(

  8. Just went out and got some...gonna give it a shot and see how it goes! If it works, this stuff is like a miracle!


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