First Aid Beauty & 15 Minute Beauty Twitter Party, Did You Miss It?

Products sent for review
Note that while I currently have a sponsored post series with First Aid Beauty and they have sent me products to review, this overview of the questions is here because I wanted to answer everything from the Twitter party. I felt guilty not answering everyone's questions!

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So, yesterday was the big day! The Twitter Party with First Aid Beauty that I was somewhat dreading. I've attended Twitter Parties, was a very active "participant"/junior co-host-ish person once, but I was definitely nervous about co-hosting with the FAB Skin Care team, which included Lilli Gordon, the founder! (For the record, Lilli seems to be a super nice person and very approachable and normal, but I'm very impressed with her and that makes me even more nervous.)

Anyways, I was convinced that no one would show up. It would be me and Lilli on Twitter... cue the crickets. Instead, what happened was basically the complete opposite! I was so happy that so many of my readers showed up for the party! There were so many attendees that we were the #3 trending hashtag in the US for a good party of the party. There were so many tweets flying left and right that there was no way to answer all of the questions, and I felt horrible about it! So, I thought I'd grab the questions from the party and address all of them here. Some were specific to First Aid Beauty and their new Dual Repair line, but some were general skin care questions.

how often should I exfoliate and how to do it
The most popular questions were definitely regarding exfoliation, really in response to some prompting from me.

Here's the deal with exfoliation:
• Everyone should do it. It is for every skin type, without exception.

• There are 2 basic ways to exfoliate: chemicals or physical. So, peels/exfoliating skin care products or a scrub.

• When exfoliating on your own, you must pay attention to your skin. Everyone's skin is different, especially if you are using other products that could be irritating like a retinoid. What your cousin's skin handles easily will be different than your sister's skin and hers will be different than your own. At home, at the most your skin should feel flushed and smoother and well scrubbed after exfoliating. It shouldn't actually be red (flushed and red are not the same), it shouldn't burn or sting later on, and you certainly shouldn't cringing at your face.

• You can have much deeper/invasive peels, but they really should only be done with professional supervision. Yes, peels can remove scars and sun damage. They can rebuild your dermis and give you a brand new skin texture with less hyperpigmentation. But, they can really damage your skin in the long run, so save the heavy duty stuff for the pros.

• If you're going to do it at home, you can do light chemical exfoliation (a'la the First Aid Beauty Facial Radiance Pads, which are gentle enough to use every day), or physical with a scrub, a Clarisonic or even just a rough washcloth. The best option will depend upon the person, as will the frequency. But, just pay attention to your skin, what you can handle, and remember to wear sunscreen afterwards!

Another Question:
@15minbeauty @FirstAidBeauty I need a good body exfoliating scrub. #FABSkin
I actually haven't found a good body scrub for quite a while, my favorite was taken off of the market (it was from L'Oreal). Instead I use the Beautisol Deep Exfoliating Mitt.

@FirstAidBeauty @15minbeauty Do you know if the FAB facial radiance pads are 'safe' to use with Retin-A? #FABskin
Everyone's skin is different, and before starting the Facial Radiance Pads you should probably do a small patch test before starting if you have sensitive skin or are using a product like Retin A. Some people can handle both, some people won't be able to use both. I'd try a small area and see what happens. Listen to your skin!

@15minbeauty How do we choose the #anti-aging #skincare good for my skin? #FABSKIN
I have a whole post on how to start using anti-aging skin care.

@15minbeauty what's a good way to get a more even skin tone? #FABSKIN
It depends on why your skin tone is uneven, but in general it is best to have some light exfoliation, lots of moisture to support the skin's barrier function and broad spectrum UV protection (at least SPF 15, 30 is better) to prevent hyperpigmentation.

@15minbeauty anything for skin tags on the neck area as we age? #FABSKIN
Unfortunately, no. You pretty much just need to have them removed.

@15minbeauty any recommendations for skin redness, especially around the nose and cheek area? what products should I be trying #FABSkin
If you have a lot of redness, you might want to talk to your physician about whether you could have rosacea. I have redness in those areas (yeah! I have rosacea too!), I've found it is less when I'm less irritated, so using gentle products and staying out of the cold wind pretty much. Lot of extra moisture and some soothing products definitely help as well. I've had good luck with the Instant Oatmeal Mask, but FAB also makes an Anti-Redness Serum, though I haven't tried that yet.

what's good for an oily forehead? @FirstAidBeauty #fabskin
@15minbeauty what do you suggest we use if we have combination skin? #FABSKIN
Like other skin types, I think a gentle cleanser and a moisturizer as well as SPF are what you need. Oily skin doesn't mean your skin doesn't have moisture, so you do still need the moisturizer, though likely a lighter weight one than someone with non-oily skin. Don't over wash your skin, it will increase your oil production! Dr. Cynthia Bailey has a good over view on skin care for oily skin.

Does @firstaidbeauty have many products for controlling oily skin? #FABskin
When skin is well moisturized it does seem to make less oil, so they have a lot of moisturizers, but I don't think they have a product specifically for oily skin.

@15minbeauty @MidniteManicure i use to be oily but now my skin is more dry, can my skin change suddenly like that? #fabskin
Unfortunately, yes. Skin likes to change as we get older, especially if there are hormonal shifts.

@15minbeauty Yes. I use an under the eye cream for anti-aging and it leaves my skin burning, but I thought it was supposed to. #FABSKIN
If something is so irritating to your skin that you're experiencing burning, then you are creating inflammation. Which is aging. So, you've just undone any good you've done by using the product.

@15minbeauty Is there a certain age limit on when to start using anti-aging regimen? #FABSKIN
Nope! You can't start too young. While you probably wouldn't need a heavy duty retinoid in your 20's, you should definitely be using sunscreen every day and since you're moisturizing anyways, you might as well include anti-aging ingredients like peptides and antioxidants, right?

Is tepid water best for sensitive skin?#FABSKIN
Yes! Avoid water that is too hot if you're sensitive. It is also drying, so we should all be turning the temperature down on our showers.

@15minbeauty @FirstAidBeauty What's your favorite FAB product? #FABSKIN
@FirstAidBeauty If I could buy just one product from your line, what would you recommend? I have combo skin with hyperpigmentation. #FABSkin
The answer to both of these questions is the same, the Dual Repair Serum, which is lightweight but moisturizing (it was all I needed on a recent vacation to Florida. I left the moisturizer at home), includes a lot of anti-aging ingredients including a Retinoid, and a licorice root extract which helps with hyperpigmentation. Oh, and the serum has the highest concentration of all those ingredients.

@15minbeauty does it sting at all? or make eyes water? my eyes always get so "teary" #FABSkin
@FirstAidBeauty Does it have a greasy feeling? #FABSKIN
The Dual Repair line is pretty moisturizing but doesn't feel greasy at all, doesn't sting and it sinks into my skin really quickly. I have found that the moisturizer is too much moisture for me in the morning, so I use the serum alone at that time. I have no problems applying makeup over it.

@15minbeauty do you rub it in or pat on eye area? i've heard diff methods #fabskin
If you rub you should use your ring finger rather than pointer finger, I tend to do both things.

@FirstAidBeauty @15minbeauty What's the best way to heal damage to your skin from the winter weather #FABSKIN
Definitely getting moisture into your skin!

Great ways to do that:
• Turn down the water temp when you are in the shower.
• Moisturize within 3 minutes of getting your skin wet, whether you're in the shower, washing your face or hands... if you got wet, you need to moisturize immediately.
• Make sure you have a humidifier turned on, whether it is a room humidifier (and if it is just a room one, make that room your bedroom since you spend the most time there) or one attached to your heater, it doesn't really matter.

what about a prduct that reverses the signs of aging, is there such a thing? #FABSKIN
Only retinoids have been clinically proven as a topical (in the medical literature) to really reverse wrinkles. Other signs of aging like hyperpigmentation, lackluster skin, etc. can all be improved with exfoliation, moisturizers and ingredients that help fight pigmentation.

@15minbeauty Thanks! Can we use a product with Salicylic acid for oily skin? Can it help aging issues too? #FABSkin
Yes to both!

@15minbeauty @FirstAidBeauty what to use on my cheek area after sunburn? #fabskin
Here's my post on How to treat a sunburn

@15minbeauty So night time would be best? #FABSKIN
For the Dual Repair line you can use the products twice a day, though listen to your skin! My skin was definitely too moisturized with both the serum and moisturizer in the morning, so I went down to just the eye cream and serum in the am, then I add in the moisturizer at night.

@15minbeauty What is the first beauty trick/ tip do you use when you get up in the morning? #FABSKIN
It's hard to say! Probably just how much I multitask everything. I'm constantly trying to combine steps so I can shave off minutes. But, if given the chance I can easily take 2 hours to get ready to go the grocery store.

@FirstAidBeauty loving the ultra repair concentrate, should i switch to the dual repair line? #fabskin
I've found the Ultra Repair Cream to be more moisturizing than the Dual Repair Cream. If you need the extra moisture, I'd stick with that for now, but add in the Dual Repair Eye Cream and Serum. In the summer you might want to swap the moisturizer out.

@15minbeauty ok to use if there is some eczema? #fabskin
Yes! In fact, I'd say it is perfect for it. The primary issue in eczema and atopic derm is really that that skin's barrier function is disrupted, allowing allergens and inflammation to take over. FAB's products are formulated to help support the barrier function, similar to the products I was taught to use in my patients when I was a general pediatrician.

@FirstAidBeauty Does it have SPF? #FABSKIN
@FirstAidBeauty Does the Dual repair line has SPF?? #FABSKIN
It doesn't.

@FirstAidBeauty Is the dual repair eye cream good for dark circles? #FABSKIN
@15minbeauty do you use a concealer over the eye cream or just the eye cream #FABSkin
Yes, it seems to be helping my circles. I definitely need concealer, so I wear it over the eye cream.

@FirstAidBeauty @15minbeauty how long does one container of the dual repair last me? #fabskin
Probably somewhere in the 2-3 month range.

@FirstAidBeauty Does the product also have an exfoliate and SPF? #FABSKIN
The Dual Repair line doesn't.

@15minbeauty Does the face wash lather up and does it make a difference if a face wash does or not? #FABSKIN
It has a light lather, but it actually doesn't matter at all whether you get a good lather in terms of cleaning efficacy. But, people do seem to love their lather!

@15minbeauty would you replace your moisturizer with the serum? #fabskin @FirstAidBeauty
I would! It is definitely moisturizing and the serum is what I'm using in the am now, without the moisturizer.

@15minbeauty Is there a @FirstAidBeauty product for chronic dry lips? #FABSKIN
They have an Ultra Repair Lip Therapy, though I haven't tried it out.

@15minbeauty Does the product help with wrinkles around the lip area too? #FABSKIN
The serum has a retinoid and should help with wrinkles if you apply it there! Wrinkles in that area are particularly difficult because you're moving your mouth so much.

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There were questions about pregnancy and nursing safety.

The Dual Repair line is safe during nursing, but the Serum contains a retinoid and isn't safe for pregnancy (but that is fine for nursing!)

Products sent for review
Note that while I currently have a sponsored post series with First Aid Beauty and they have sent me products to review, this overview of the questions is here because I wanted to answer everything from the Twitter party. I felt guilty not answering everyone's questions!


  1. What's the point of a daily moisturizer that doesn't have any sun protection? I don't understand why daily moisturizers are being created without an SPF still. What are you adding on top of the serum for your sun protection?

  2. I've never really understood that either, though the FAB Dual Repair moisturizer is more for night anyways. I've been using the Kiehl's SPF 50 over it because it is really lightweight. FAB's regular day time moisturizer does have SPF in it.

  3. Really, only retinoids work for wrinkles. I had read Dr. Perricone's "The Wrinkle Cure" years ago and I was under the impression that the data on retinoids was not quite as good as people thought, but there was a lot of evidence on specific formulations of Vitamin C, alpha-lipoic acid, and DMAE - it is just no manufacturer bothered to try to get an FDA marketing claim as none of it was patentable. Retin-A on the other hand is a proprietary prescription drug so they could afford the trials.

  4. For actual wrinkles, it's still really just retinoids, and in particular Retin A, though we extrapolate that to other retinoids which work the same, but the over the counter ones aren't as strong. There's evidence for the ingredients you mentioned but not really for wrinkles specifically. Dr. Perricone somewhat skewed things that direction in his book, those are the ingredients in many of his products. They're still good include and work for other signs of aging, but for wrinkles, Retinoids are definitely the gold standard.

  5. I didn't realized that exfoliation is that important. I was taught earlier the basics of skincare: cleanse, tone, and moisturize. Now I should remember to do some more exfoliation, maybe once or twice a week? I have to listen or see how my skin reacts. Now I know that reddening is a sign to slow it down or change it.
    Thank you.


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