Loving This: Color Wow One Minute Transformation

Product Sent for Review

Color Wow One Minute Transformation Review

So, back before I chopped off my damaged ends, the nice people from Color Wow sent me a tube of their One Minute Transformation. I'm not going to lie, this stuff is pretty amazing. It is a lightweight lotion that de-frizzes, smooths and shines all in one step! You can use it on wet or dry hair, though I like to do both.

I was using about a nickel sized amount on my hair when wet and then blow drying as usual. The heat from the dryer seems to really help it work well on your hair, and adding this product really did make a difference to the appearance of my damaged ends! I couldn't smell it in my hair, feel it in there (no added weight is huge for me!), but my hair looked much healthier and more shiny.

You can also add a little One Minute Transformation to your dry hair, though you should also hit it with a blow dryer to really get the full benefit. Simply rubbing a little in won't do the trick. On dry hair I used about the size of a lima bean, rubbed it all over my hands and then my hair to get a very fine distribution. Then I would pull out my dryer and hit it with the warm heat for about 30-60 seconds. After fluffing my hair with my fingers I can brush my hair and the result is all kinds of magical. It could take my hair from straw-like to incredibly soft, shiny and healthy.

This is forever going to be in my bag of tricks!

Color Wow One Minute Transformation
Product Sent for Review


  1. Sounds great! Before and after pics please!

  2. Pyrrha

    You made this product sound so great, I placed an order for it and the conditioner. I'll let you know what my results are.

    Thanks for the review.

  3. I chopped my hair to a bob and haven't experienced damaged ends yet. Will add this on my to-try list as my hair grows longer :)

  4. Sounds magical! I'm always looking for different types of hair fixes, especially in the summertime. It's super humid & hot in Texas & that equals frizz!

  5. I just ordered some to try. Thanks for the recommendation!

  6. Amazing! The product sounds magical. I always ready in exploring the great hair care products!
    Well done!


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