Spring Spruce Up For Less! Shopping For Post-Winter Beauty at Sally Beauty Supply

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 Post-Winter Beauty at Sally Beauty Supply

Now that spring is finally here, I need to recover from winter and spruce up for spring! For me that means a couple of intensive treatments to help my hair and skin recover from the harsh, dry winter here in Michigan. As well, I always like to get a few fresh pedicure supplies. Because, finally, people will see my toes!

I headed over to Sally Beauty and picked up a few essentials. Here's what was in my basket:

1. Mystic Divine Luminous Shine Smoothing Masque: I've been wanting to try this mask for a while! It has Tahitian Tamanu Oil and Camellia Oil to target dry hair, which sounds perfect after a long, dry winter.

2. Ion Effective Care Treatment: The sales associate at my local Sally Beauty recommended this mask for damaged hair. She does a lot of color treatments and said it has saved her hair from a lot of damage! My hair is mostly dry, but I couldn't resist trying it out. The little pouch was next to the register for the bargain price of 99 cents!

3. Bath Secrets Exfoliating Gloves: I think gloves like this are even better than a body scrub for exfoliating your body. The results are more even and it really only takes a few minutes in the shower.

4. Heel To Toe Moisturizing Foot Butter: I confess that I'll use a super thick foot cream like this one from Head to Toe on my entire body when I'm getting ready to wear shorts and dresses for the first time. Super moisturized skin looks great!

5. Orly Cuticle Therapy Creme: This is always one of my go-to products. I like to use it on particularly dry areas.

6. Heel To Toe Ceramic Foot File: I needed a new foot file to get ready for pedicure season! Since I love to wear cute ballet flats without socks, I feel like people see my toes quite a bit. The shoes come off in my house and those of friends, etc. A good foot file is a spring and summer must have!

7. Blue Cross Cuticle Remover: Not pictured here because I already have about a liter of this stuff in my shower! (Yes, really.) This is the ultimate cuticle remover and foot smoother. I wet down my feet and basically pore it all over. A minute or two I'll start using the foot file on my heels and I'll use the exfoliating gloves around my toe nails and around the rest of my foot. Once I rinse my feet are incredibly soft!

8. FingerPaints Endless Wear: I was surprised by how many long wearing formulas Sally Beauty carries on their nail polish wall! FingerPaints is a great (and cheap) brand. Framed In Fuschia is one of my favorite pedicure colors in their original formula, so I couldn't resist grabbing it in this long wear formula. This formula bonds with the special top coat and is cured by normal light, so no UV lamps! It promises to look great longer than a traditional manicure. I swatched my colors quickly, as you can see below.

Finger Paints Endless Wear Nail Polish

Tune In To A Younger You Sweepstakes

Sally Beauty is partnering with Younger, a new show on TV Land, for the Tune In To A Younger You Sweepstakes, where every day in April is a new chance to win a $100 Sally Beauty Gift Card! Enter on-line at Sally Beauty, or in store you'll get an auto-entry with every purchase at Sally Beauty using your loyalty card! Check out Younger, Tuesdays 10/9C on TV Land.

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This post is a collaboration between myself and Sally Beauty. But, all opinions (and shopping) were my own!

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