#SpeakBeautiful with Dove Exclusively at Target

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#SpeakBeautiful with Dove Exclusively at Target

Recently my 5 year old started Kindergarten. It's been a big adjustment around our house, full of worries for both mom and dad. One of our biggest concerns is bullying. Until now, she's attended a smaller daycare/preschool. We knew everyone and their parents. Luckily, the school has a very active anti-bullying program, but what happens when she's moved on to middle school or high school? What happens when the interactions include online social media, interactions that move quickly and can be potentially devastating?

In a recent study, Dove found that 52% of girls think negativity they see online damages their confidence*. 52%! It's easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet, but we're all responsible for the culture on the internet and social media.

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Dove wants to change things! We need to make social media a more positive place, encouraging beauty and body confidence every time we're online. To remind you to #SpeakBeautiful on social media, head to Target where you can get three of your favorite Dove products to get a free #SpeakBeautiful bracelet. It will remind you to think as you type, remembering to be positive!

You can also help to spread the #SpeakBeautiful message on Twitter! ReTweet this tweet, Dove will respond with your custom Twitter analysis!

You can learn more about #SpeakBeautiful here!

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*2016 Dove Study, learn more on Dove.com/Selfesteem
Post sponsored by Mirum Shopper. Opinions are 100% my own.


  1. Great camoaign. Kudos to Dove. My son was bullied in5th, 6th grades and it was pretty awful. The school didn't take it very seriously.

  2. This is an AMAZING campaign! Great on Dove for trying to change the message.


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