Makeup Wars: My Favorite Spring Makeup Trend

Leopard Print Makeup
Today for Makeup Wars we've decided to show you our favorite spring makeup trends, straight from the Runway (or in my case, the Red Carpet/X Factor). Yes, I fully admit that I thought Cece Frey was a tad kooky when I watched the X Factor with her constant painting of leopard print on her face (and on occasion, her legs). But, obviously my girl Mila can do no wrong!

Leopard Print Makeup Trend
I tried my own version of this (on the left) and tried to be more subtle with it, but looking at the pictures, what was I thinking? Can leopard on your face ever be subtle??? No. Obviously not. Especially since I had made it purple! I made a little photoshop on the right showing that really, I should have gone big. Go big or go home! I think of this as a temple makeup accent, that goes down a little and has a subtle hugging (but not really wrapping) around the eye.

Leopard Print Makeup Trend
To create this look, I used a few liquid eye liners, the Ultrafine Liquid Eye Liner that Milani had sent me for review. I used purple, let it dry a little, and then added the black wrap around with black liner. It dried quickly, the color was vibrant and didn't want to budge once applied! But, it was easy to remove with cleanser and a wash cloth.

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  1. I love this look and I am seeing it more and more. I definitely am going to give it a try!

  2. Love the purple leopard print! You rock this look way better than even Mila!

  3. That looks sooooooo cool! I love anything leopard print. Best trend ever!

  4. This is a trend I can really get behind. I have so much makeup but only use it on my eyes and lips. NOW I can start using it all over my face. I can't wait until Zebra Stripes are fashionable again. I think it would be really slimming to the face!

  5. No way is my hand steady enough to try this but I'm going to give it a whirl. And of course it would only be appropriate to wear leopard print while rockin' leopard makeup. LOVE!

  6. That is SO cool - it reminds me of a Star Trek (Next Gen? Deep Space Nine?) crewmember who had cool, mood sensitive spots. Kind of like a mood-leopard thing. And polishes and lipsticks could coordinate...I think this is going to be really big.

  7. Oh, I like that leopard print. I wonder if I could try it with other animal coats, like a cheetah or a zebra.

  8. I love purple so adding in the purple makes it even better in my opinion. Plus it's a good way to teach toddlers about animal prints. Just think of all the things we could do!

  9. Go big or go home! You are rockin the leopard print! :)

  10. I do this at least once a week.... I'm a facepainter at a local attraction... I never knew i was being trendy! Awesome!... now to get up the courage to try this out of the park and in the office... not sure that's going to happen...

  11. That look is beyond amazing, and you're right... bigger is better! Would multi-colored also be acceptable?

  12. The purple leopard print looks good on you! Will you be rocking this to work tomorrow?!


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