The Hold Me Bag: My Favorite Makeup Bag, New Size

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The Hold Me Bag, the best makeup travel organizer

So, usually when I travel I grab a few random bags from a plastic bin I have in my closet. But I always, always, use my Hold Me Bag for makeup. It has a big compartment for all of my makeup and even a great area for all of my pencils and brushes.

I take it with me everywhere I travel.

The Hold Me Bag Middle Sister size comparison

While the Hold Me bag has pretty much always come in two sizes, original and Baby Bag, I had an original and I thought a Baby would be too small for this beauty crazed girl, even for just a 2 day trip to my mom's house. BUT! They just came out with a middle size, the Middle Sister.

You can see the size differences between the two here. The Middle Sister is just a tiny bit smaller, it's also not quite as deep.

Inside the Hold Me Bag Middle Sister

When you compare the Middle Sister to the Hold Me bag there is a little smaller compartment, but it still zips closed, it still has the little pocket (I put nail polish remover pads there), there's a removable little thing that you could use to separate out products (I admit I'm still not sure what to do with it). I love that there are still spots for my makeup brushes, just a couple fewer slots. And they're still protected by a little flap.

The outside is that same vegan suede as the original Hold Me Bag. And really, it's great because you can just wipe it clean with a wet washcloth, which I fully admit that I was a bit too lazy to do before these pics. However, it has been way dirtier, especially that time I may have spilled loose powder all over the bag. A few wipes and it was back to perfect.

my favorite makeup travel bag

Finally, here's a quick pick at the inside with some of my new products (yes, I splurged a bit at Sephora yesterday). You can see that even though it is smaller, it definitely holds more than enough for a trip!

The Hold Me Company
Product Sent for Review

1 comment

  1. What a pretty bag. I agree, it's smaller but it can hold many items.....xoxoxo.....:)


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