It's Open! 15 Minutes, The Store

You may have noticed that I'm a little less present the last few weeks. Part of that is just stuff at home (my daughter turned 5!), but I'm also hard at work on something new and fun!

For years I've loved playing with Graphic Design. I'm a girl with thousands of fonts, I play with textures and graphics for fun. I've finally decided to do something with all of those designs, I've opened a store! It's called 15 Minutes (because, well, I couldn't think of a better name), and features all sorts of items. There are mugs, t-shirts, laptop cases, iPhone cases, passport covers, etc. I have designed funny sayings, different patterns for items, you name it!

The store just opened and I'm sure my designs will evolve and improve over time. But, in the meantime I'm pretty proud of what I've created so far. If you like what you see, but have a request, let me know!

Go check out 15 Minutes!


  1. So cute! Congrats and good luck! :)

  2. I love the teal and white waves phone case. Does it come in an iphone 5s size?

  3. Your designs are beautiful, Christine. Congratulations on your new venture!

  4. Congratulations! How Exciting! I LOVE the turquoise flowers!!

  5. Thanks everyone! I'm having so much fun designing things! I'm definitely getting better at it :)
    @Carole, if you click "customize" it will let you put that case into a different version. If it doesn't work, send me an email at and I'll make one just for you!


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